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Sunday 25 August 2013

Software for running a window cleaning service

Having gone through a few stages of using notepads and diaries to record my window cleaning work. Window cleaners have a lot to remember and relying on just my brain would prove disastrous. Imagine trying to organise over two hundred customers. Some I clean monthly, others every six weeks and I have a few shops that are done weekly. Quickly found using diary and writing everything done time consuming and not efficient. I would often spent several hours a week updating my records, trying to remember who has paid and who hasn't was becoming difficult to manage.
Started using excel spreadsheets, but found it didn't suit my needs. Still have to input loads of data each day. Then someone introduced me to George which is great for the PC but can't use it on my android device or iPad. Printing off work sheets and then when I get home update it. This worked really well until my laptop went out of action. Why didn't you back up the data I here you say. Well I did, but without another computer running windows and buying another copy to run it on. I was up the creek without the paddle. This is when I started using Google docs now called drive but this was like going back to excel. At least it is online and I can access it from any device.
After searching the web for an alternative or purpose made software designed for window cleaners I settled on Roundpartner.

Online window cleaning software this seems to tick all the boxes. Roundpartner can be used on my android tablet or iPad. I like the idea that my data is safely stored online and I can view this anywhere I can get a WiFi connection or internet. I don't even have to print off a work sheet. Roundpartner has a mobile specific version as well so I just log on with my phone with an easy to use look finding my customers details is like looking up a phone contact in my phone. It tells me when they are due, any money they owe or credit and when the job is done I press done and it is booked for next time. Mainly I have been using roundpartner to check when work is due and update payments but there is so much more. They have added a quoting section called prospects and now when I go to price up a new window cleaning job I put all the details in there. When the client phones or emails with the go ahead I only need to to look in prospects and convert to a customer. They added an extras button where I can record the little extra jobs I do . keeps track of my out goings like petrol and supplies I buy.
This software as save my window cleaning business so much time. For £10 a month less than 40 p a day it is money well spent.


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    وللاستعلام عن اى شى اخر يرجى الاتصال بخدمة العملاء لدينا


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